Thursday, August 13, 2009

Introducing, Your Host and My Close Personal Friend...

Hi there. I'm Psudo. There's no 'e' in my name.

My blog is titled "Psudo Scholar" because it's a pretty good description of myself. I'm not really a scholar, but I'm interested in learning and often very thorough in my studies of various topics. I don't have any impressive degrees nor have I been to any impressive universities, but I'm pretty smart and spend a lot of my time studying topics that interest me; things like politics, religion, TV shows and movies, and interesting bits of history.

In the coming days, I'll be trying to create a habit of daily blog posting on whatever topic interests me at that moment. The following are a few of my goals. We'll see how well I achieve them.
  • One post per week will pertain to religion, typically on Sunday. I'm LDS.
  • One post per week will pertain to the White House, starting with analysis of the issues surrounding Obama's various campaign promises.
  • One post per month will be a short biography of a historically important figure, typically an US founding father or similar American hero. I may eventually revisit the same heros a few times in order to cast them in a different light or tout different achievements.
I'll probably also rant about video games (typically very old ones), movies (of all ages), work stuff (I currently work at Walmart), and other assorted debris of dubious interest. I hope you enjoy it, but even more I hope you'll dispute me when I'm wrong.

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