Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Iran, North Korea, and the United Arab Emirates

The headline reads UAE Seizes North Korean Weapons Shipment to Iran.

These aren't nuclear weapon parts, but they are explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, and other similar things of the type that have been killing Americans in Iraq. It's also wildly against UN resolutions. If the allegations that weapons have been smuggled over the border from Iran into Iraq are true, these weapons could've ended up being used against US troops in Iraq if they hadn't been caught.

I don't know if the North Korea/Iran connection existed before George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech in 2002, but it's clear he was right to list them together. They obviously have some traits and trade in common.

Remember the UAE ports deal? Many Republicans in the legislature and conservatives nationwide doubted whether US security should be entrusted to an Arab nation like the UAE, and whether they could truly be our allies. I think this definitively shows that 1) our best interests are aided by their actions, and 2) they are good at sea security. This only reinforces my belief that we should've let the UAE buy the ports they wanted, and that only short-sighted prejudice prevented it.

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